When looking to recover dental esthetics, the application of zirconium crowns (zirconium) is one of the most effective alternatives. Being also a reinforcement for those teeth that have lost part of its surface and in those cases where the patient has lost the tooth, it can also be replaced with this composite.

Dental caps bring great benefits to the patient. When a patient loses a tooth, he or she is exposed to many dangers, bone loss being one of the most serious complications. By using the caps, patients can recover the functionality of the jaw and avoid such problems.
It should be noted that, regardless of the cases that arise, whether it is the loss of a tooth or a fracture of the same, it is best to reinforce the area to prevent further complications. Dental experts, like the Dentist in Murray Hill, can give you more information on how to address the abovementioned concern.
What is a dental crown?
When we refer to crowns, we are talking about caps that are placed on the surface of the tooth. If the patient has had implant surgery, they can be placed over the implants. Dental crowns have the ability to look like natural teeth and this is attributed to their esthetic finish as well as their strength.
Generally, the dentist recommends the use of caps in three situations:
Loss of a tooth:
To protect health, the best and most advisable is that the person recovers the extracted tooth, this will help to avoid malocclusion problems. When these cases occur, the doctor will be in charge of placing an implant and later a crown.
Deterioration of the dental piece:
In those cases in which the patient does keep his or her natural tooth, but it has experienced breakage and wear, the cap will be the best option to prevent further damage to the piece, preventing it from becoming completely deteriorated and having to be removed.
Esthetic issues:
Many times the patient is concerned about the shape of their teeth, the position or color of them, for these cases in which the person is not satisfied with their teeth, the dental cap will help to renew their aesthetics, so that they can enjoy a nice smile.
Types of dental caps according to the patient’s needs
Dental caps are effective when you want to replace any dental piece, but it is obvious that it does not have the same visibility when it comes to a molar or a canine. For this reason, the professional will be in charge of placing one or the other depending on the patient’s needs. It is for this reason that dental caps are made of different materials.

This model of caps is made of a mental cap that completely covers the patient’s natural tooth or implant, the metal cap will be perfectly adjusted to the patient’s mouth, and this will be covered by a porcelain crown that will allow a more pleasant aspect to the tooth while maintaining a more realistic state.
This type of mental/porcelain crowns, due to their great resistance, are ideal in cases where it is necessary to replace molar teeth. Professionals do not recommend the application of this type of crowns on front teeth. Since they are made of two materials, there is a possibility that patients who experience receding gums may notice a worsening of the esthetic finish, leaving part of the metal surface visible. This being the case, the procedure to be carried out under the hands of a periodontist will be to improve the state of the gums or to apply other types of caps that will allow maintaining a better appearance in the esthetics of the teeth, imitating as best as possible the natural teeth.
There are also dental crowns that are composed entirely of porcelain. The advantage of this material is its versatility in adapting to all shades of teeth, this allows to create a more natural feeling and not reflecting that it is really a prosthesis. However, it is not recommended to apply this type of reinforcement in the molars, because it is a less strong and solid material.
Zirconium is another common material when it comes to dental crowns. This composite is a metal oxide that possesses properties similar to those of titanium. The application of zirconium in the world of dentistry is considered relatively recent. As is the case with ceramic, this white material produces a very natural result and, as it does not have a metal part, it favors the passage of light.
This type of zirconium-based dental caps are recommended by experts for those teeth that are much more visible. This is due to the smaller volume that it has in comparison to other composites that are much thicker and voluminous.
Types of zirconium crowns
Anterior teeth
These would be located in the front area of the dentition, the only disadvantage is the opaque color of the zirconium crowns. The good thing is that this would not be a major concern and its solution is very easy, since it would only need to be complemented with a layer of feldspathic porcelain and a little bit of dental makeup.
Premolars and molars
In the past, when restorations related to premolars or molars were carried out, they could only be applied with metal or mental ceramics. The reason why these materials were used was because they were the only ones with biocompatibility, meaning that they were the only materials that could withstand the chewing load. This made it possible to restore masticatory and phonetic function. The bitter pill was reflected in the aesthetics, which was not very pleasant.
Among the advances that have been achieved with technology and the implementation of new elements such as ceramics and lithium, they have been solving this unaesthetic and unnatural appearance of those metallic materials. At present, ceramic/zirconium molars or premolars are available.
Anterior and posterior bridges
Zirconium ceramic is considered one of the best materials that can be used for the fabrication of anterior and posterior bridges.
Reasons for choosing zirconia dental crowns
The reasons why zirconium crowns are used today are due to the esthetics they provide. If a comparison is made with other materials, it has the best esthetic results. When using a 100% zirconium composite, the color will always match the color of the tooth that has been treated. In addition, the fact that this material is not carried out with other components such as metal, presents numerous benefits in those patients who prefer this material.
In terms of strength, crowns made of zirconium have minimal wear over time, and in the event of any wear, the material will continue to look similar to the shade of the teeth. This is because there is no metal in the material.
The advantages for those people with receding gums are also observed at an esthetic level, by applying a treatment that does not require metal, the final finish will be much more satisfactory.
Zirconium is also a type of material that is compatible with the body, which means that the patient will not experience rejection or allergies.
There have been cases in which the constant rubbing of the metal and the gums causes the periodontal area to darken in some parts, something that does not happen with zirconium crowns. In addition, their color is maintained over time without darkening.
How zirconium crowns are made
Unlike crowns made of ceramic, the manufacturing process for zirconia crowns is less complicated. This procedure is carried out in dental clinics.
The first step is to make an impression of the patient’s teeth, this first procedure is performed by the dentist who will then be in charge of making the impression in a laboratory, in this process a technician pours the mixture into the impression mold to make a model of the teeth. Once the mold is obtained, the technician cuts it into different sections and makes a scan using a laser. Once the scan is complete, it is uploaded to a computer with CAD software that takes care of designing the crown. It is worth mentioning that the technician is also trained to design the crown.
Another much faster and more comfortable method is to perform an intraoral scan, with this the dentist will get a scan of the patient’s teeth. For this procedure no impressions are required, the data that is scanned is sent directly to the computer with the technology to begin designing the crown.
Once the crown is made, the technicians or workers in charge can apply colorants, and then a synthesizing procedure is done. When we talk about synthesizing, we refer to the baking process where the material will be exposed to high temperatures in order to harden it.
Once this synthesizing process is done, the dental technician smoothes, texturizes and enamels the crown. This would be the last step so that the dentist can proceed to place the crown in the patient’s mouth.
Take care of your dental crowns
Beyond all the benefits that crowns made of zirconium or other materials can provide, caution should always be exercised. It is obvious that cavities cannot occur in these caps, but they can occur in the tooth that holds them. For this reason, the use of dental floss is recommended to help remove any food residue that may be left between the teeth. Likewise, the teeth should be brushed to avoid the generation of other periodontal diseases.
It is important to remember that this type of pathology is responsible for destroying the root of the tooth, so you should continue to maintain good oral hygiene and not neglect our oral health.
In general, there should not be any complications as long as the patient follows the recommended instructions and visits his dentist periodically.
Good care of a dental crown can guarantee many years of useful life and does not have to end in periodontal disease.
Zirconium crowns price
One thing to keep in mind is the cost of zirconium crowns. The prices of this treatment can vary depending on where it is performed and also must consider the conditions of each patient, which is why for some it may be a little more expensive. In order to evaluate these budgets, some details must be taken into account, such as the dental pieces that are being treated, the structure of the mouth, the number of caps, the material used, among other things, so it is not possible to have an estimated or fixed price. Only if the case being treated is very urgent, an estimate can be given through a quick check. As we have already mentioned, zirconium crowns are the best treatment that can be applied today, in comparison to the other variants that also work but have their disadvantages.

The one thing you need to know is chosing the best dental clinic in Albania. You should see their staff, their clinical cases, customer feedback, and what they offer. These clinics also offer dental tourism, in Albania, where you can find amazing packages and deals that also include a free flight and hotel. Which is pretty amazing since you can take care of your smile and also explore the amazing city of Tirana.
We hope this information has clarified all your doubts and from this point you can wisely decide the best solution to the problems you may be experiencing. If you still have more questions, do not hesitate to contact us.