Read about Invisalign introduction, Tips and complete explanation about all features connected to it. Amazing Article to Read.
Millions of people have used Invisalign to straighten their teeth, and more people see Invisalign as a better option to braces. Invisalign has several features that have made it a popular orthodontic solution.
With Invisalign, you can be confident to smile during treatment because the aligners are virtually invisible. You also get to clean your teeth without battling with brackets and wires. Invisalign is simply an excellent investment for anyone that wants to straighten their teeth and have a beautiful smile. You should check the dentist who does dental crowns in raleigh as they could give you more notes on whether you need an invisalign or something else.
The Invisalign plastic aligners are made of plastic that have to fit your teeth correctly for them to exert the right amount of force to move your teeth. As a result of this, food particles can easily get trapped between your aligners and teeth, and your saliva would not be able to wash them away. It would be best if you practised good oral hygiene to prevent the food particles from getting stuck because this can lead to gum or periodontal diseases.
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So, if you have decided to get Invisalign, follow these five tips to ensure that your Invisalign treatment investment is worth your time and to prevent any dental disease.
Stick to only water
When you have your aligners on, you can drink only water, but if you want to take any other drink like tea, coffee, wine or soda and eat, you have to take out your aligner, so they do not get stained. Sugary drinks and food particles may get entrapped within your aligners and cause dental issues.
Have your Invisalign aligners on for at least 22 hours in a day
Invisalign aligners are removable, and this can be a disadvantage and advantage because this feature enables you to eat whatever you want. Still, if the aligners are not on your teeth for a long time, your teeth may not get straightened.
For your treatment to be successful and completed within a short while, you have to be dedicated and wear your aligners for at least 22 hours daily and use the other two hours to eat and brush your teeth.
Floss daily
During your treatment, food can quickly get stuck in your mouth and between your aligners. Brushing and flossing regularly, at least once every day can remove the food particles.
Clean your aligners properly
Most orthodontists recommend using warm water and anti-bacterial soap to clean your aligners. Some toothpaste may be too harsh for the aligners and scrubbing your aligners may also damage and create pores in the aligners. Bacteria can easily bread in these pores to cause gum diseases and tooth decay
Clean your aligners regularly following your orthodontist’s instruction. Also, rinse your aligners whenever you wake up from sleep and after every meal before you reinsert them in your mouth.
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Consider a whitening toothpaste
For some past Invisalign users, using whitening toothpaste during their Invisalign treatment was effective. The Invisalign trays fit the teeth tightly, so they help to hold the whitening toothpaste in place for a long time and prevent saliva from washing the toothpaste away.
For more information about how to optimise your Invisalign aligner treatment, contact an Invisalign provider on 020 37457520. You should contact London Braces today if you want to get started on your treatment.
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