Complaints Against Law firm in Lahore Pakistan:
Jamila Law Associates in Lahore Pakistan says that if you wish to complaint against the law firm in Lahore Pakistan or lawyers in Lahore you may contact the provincial bar council. For Law Firm in Lahore & Law Firms in Lahore is best as compare to the Other Law Firms in Lahore Pakistan. Admonish the barrister; report the matter to the Barrister’s Inn; present a charge before the Disciplinary Committee if the complaint seems to justify suspension or disbarment. The Disciplinary Committee is made up of members of the Senate. The hearing is like a court hearing, and the law firm in Lahore Pakistan or lawyers in Lahore will usually be legally represented.
The Committee Can if it Upholds the Complaint:
suspend the barrister (i.e., a temporary sanction), disbar him (i.e., a permanent sanction), and reprimand him for ordering him to forgo his fee. There are only about 100 complaints against barristers in a typical year, so it is difficult to conclude the main cause of complaints. However, evidence from the Bar Council shows that about 66 percent of complaints relate to the quality of work done (e.g., bad advice, acting without instruction, acting contrary to instruction, lack of courtesy, inadequate representation.
undue influence, the poor conduct of the proceedings, late return of briefs, delay, absence); 15 percent relate to professional etiquette (e.g., advertising, touting, abuse of qualifications, refusing to act); and only l percent relate to fees. Generally, the complaints system is designed to deal with unprofessional behavior rather than negligence and a poor standard of work by the law firm in Lahore Pakistan or lawyers in Lahore. As the Secretary of the Senate has said, ‘a barrister’s success or failure may well govern whether or not he gets work. Still, as a general rule, it cannot be a matter for disciplinary action’, and he added that it ‘would almost certainly be inappropriate to take disciplinary action over inefficiency, delay, unnecessary cost, etc.
Lawyers in Lahore:
Suing a negligent law firm in Lahore Pakistan or lawyers in Lahore until recently, it thought it could not sue a barrister for professional negligence. The roundel was facing criminal charges, and he selected a barrister, Michael Worsley, to represent him. Following his conviction, he blamed Worsley and argued that Worsley had failed to present his case properly. Rondel sued Worsley for professional negligence. Although it was clear that Worsley had not been negligent, the case went to the House of Lords to decide whether it could sue a barrister for professional negligence.
No, as a matter of public policy, he was immune from being sued for his alleged incompetence in court. Rondel (1967) However, a 1978 case clarifies that this immunity only covers advocacy and not the pre-trial work done by a barrister: Saif Ali was injured in a car accident. The law firm in Lahore Pakistan or lawyers in Lahore failed to suggest that certain steps are taken. Instead, he sued his Advocates for professional negligence; they, in turn, sued the barrister. The question put to the House of Lords was whether it could sue the barrister over the non-advocacy side of his work. Held: No advocate could be sued for professional negligence (whether he be a barrister or a Advocate) for his performance as an advocate. But he could be sued for other negligent work.