Sell Digital Marketing to Companies is the most important business because everyone looking to reach on top in search engines.
Not all companies understand well the potential of the internet to grow their businesses. See here how to ensure successful delivery for these companies and scale their client base.
For example, prospects are often used to being successful in physical stores and are afraid to try different alternatives, or they just haven’t entered the digital age. And this represents a great challenge in communications and sales for the agency since it is obvious that if the agency wants to reach these companies and sell their services, it needs to prepare differently to offer them.
Digital marketing service depends on the nature of your business too; for example, you have a streaming website or services like Netflix, Kissanime, or HBO max, and if you have a business In which you are selling something physical, then the digital marketing will be different for you, Its like B2B and B2C digital marketing.
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Why do people hire Digital Marketing services?
There are many reasons why people hire your services, but it is always necessary to remember that they hire you for their reasons and needs (of prospects), not yours (of the agency). That is why it is essential to understand prospects, enter their world, and imagine a little how they think and what they need to grow and be successful.
With this in mind, the two biggest reasons for a person to hire your services or not are the desire to win and the fear of losing. That is to say: What would you be gaining if you close with your agency? And if it doesn’t close, what would the consequences be? What would it be losing? This must be the focus when presenting our proposals, which must be made explicit and implicit.
For a digitally immature person, we need to understand that results are more important than the ways or means of achieving them. Sometimes how it is done matters little, and what the profit will be.
For example: If your prospect is interested in creating a website, he will hire a designer or your agency to deliver his website. His main concern is not the site’s programming language (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Wix, or WordPress); his interest is that the site is on a certain date and according to its specifications.
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3 Tips for Selling Digital Marketing in Digitally Immature Companies
1. Friendly, Simple, and Practical Language
Inbound Marketing. Inside Sales. Facebook Ads. SEO. CRO. Google AdWords. KPI. CTA. TOFU. MOFU. BOFU. Lead. Webinar.
They are all great expressions and techniques you use daily in your agency, but your clients understand you? Is it clear to them what each acronym means? And strategies do not see value in what you say because they do not understand what it is about.
What would happen if you adopt that language positively and practically, making it easy to understand for all audience types?
I advise many agencies that have already failed to present commercial proposals for immature prospects exactly because they did not take care of the language in which they spoke. For their part, others had already carried out spectacular campaigns that did not yield positive results because the language was too technical or specialized for the target audience.
At this point, adopting the language is not showing itself as a less professional, less prepared, or less knowledgeable agency; it is to be humble, empathetic, and intelligent, understanding that if you want to work with an immature market, you must first educate it and this is synonymous with accessible content.
2. Define tasks and deliverables with clear times
One of the client’s greatest difficulties in understanding the agency’s services and the impact it will have on the client’s business over time.
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A widespread mistake occurs when the agency offers all the services it can provide in one go, and therefore the client, the confusion becomes even more complicated.
Also, it creates in the client the feeling that everything will be solved in one go for part of the agency, like some magic spell from Avada Kedavra.
An excellent recommendation is to separate the services provided by stages in a clear timeline, preferably with clear dates: in this case, we are talking about onboarding and ongoing.
Onboarding is the initial part of the process, there it will be defined what that client needs to start, and expectations are aligned: Website improvements?
How long will this take? Is it necessary to create a blog? Who will do it? And what do I need to make it happen? Who will produce the content? How often? Who will be the agency-client connection? What are their responsibilities?
We can call Ongoing the next stage, which is when we implement the previously agreed work plan. Here, the agency provides all the services in a more specific way and in the defined time. It is essential that the onboarding occurs first, and then the Ongoing occurs; thus, there is a clear and purposeful work sequence.
For example, it would be useless for the agency to sell relationship services with a contact base if they still do not have clear strategies to generate that base.
Remember: It is important to define deliverables by month, bimester, or quarter. Your agency must make the proposal tangible and set clear expectations.
3.Always shows an optimistic scenario for the future
It is essential to understand the prospect’s current situation; from this fully; you will get a long-term perspective. When we talk about a long-term perspective (real and grounded), we refer to growth capacity, client portfolio, budget, service portfolio, competition, ROI projection, among others.
Every company has the conditions to grow and develop more, and your agency needs to show that the sky is the limit for that prospect. A complete study and diagnosis of the prospect must be carried out to deliver the best proposal in terms of strategy and scope of results.
When I carry out quarterly consulting meetings with the agencies in Latin America, a vital part of the process is the diagnosis. Factors such as the current scenario, the target for the next quarter, and the number of accounts served by the agency are taken into consideration. After that, he presented the agency’s current status about monthly billing, number of active accounts, and time of service to each account.
Sell Digital Marketing to Companies
Finally, he entered the review and analysis of each agency’s accounts, which is contrasted with the work plan and criteria that each of them must meet.
At the end of the diagnosis, it is clear the agency’s status, each account, and what actions must be followed from now on to achieve the criteria and goals established in the account’s work plan. All this information is summarized in an action plan to achieve the desired success with clear objectives, clear actions to achieve each objective, delivery date, and responsible parties.
In this way, prospects are presented with a total vision of their business, problems are revealed, and clear action plans are proposed to achieve their purposes. Hope you love reading “Sell Digital Marketing to Companies is the most important business because everyone looking to reach on top in search engines”
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