Speedcubing is all about the management of time. Anyone can solve a cube but what is crucial is the amount of time you take to complete it. Read these tricks to speedup.
Speedcubing is all about the management of time. Anyone can solve a cube but what is crucial is the amount of time you take to complete it. The fastest is the smartest when it comes to the cube. It is certainly important to chalk out your steps and work it well with the cube. It is necessary to select the gear which you are most comfortable with. Visit here for a wide variety of cube puzzles.
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It would help if you had ample practice for it, but you also need to focus on certain finger tricks, which may help you speed up the process. Once you have the right hardware, it gives you confidence as it is. However, sometimes you may find it difficult to solve the basics, then the problem could lie in your turning style.
Try to be gentle while turning the cube. A lot of times, novice cubers get very passionate about it and turn too aggressively. This will slow you down. Please try to be cautious with turning the cube. It will give you better efficiency too.
When you are composed and pacified, the moves come to you with ease. If you are fidgeting with the turning and cannot solve it simultaneously, it will cause you greater frustration. The irritation of not getting it right will get to you. So keep in mind that your composure matters a lot while solving the problem. Today, the cubes produced are perfect in their mechanism. This factor plays a major role in the case of imprecise movements.
You can get away with it owing to the excellent levels of design and manufacturing. Aggressive turning will get you stuck, thus, slowing you down, which will exhaust you and your patience. Therefore, select cubes with proper hardware and be gentle with them.
According to Cubeskills, the moves must be made in solves to attain a faster turning speed. For example, an F2L pair solution R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ is very “fingertrickable”; in it, you will be basically employing a lot of your right hand. There is a quicker method to do it. F2L pair (in half-turn metric) is F’ U2’ F R U2’ R’.
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However, it is comparatively slow to put into action, as it is a three-gen solution using a finger trick for the F layer. So, consider these aspects while choosing any particular solution. This kind of analysis gives you clarity in deciding which solution is better for you.
When you look at getting better from the algorithm point of view, it is quite simple. You need to do your research and find good algorithms. Along with that, you need proper finger tricks to go with that algorithm. In the case of PLL, sometimes you will find that clearly, some algorithms are the best and most preferable. For example, the T permutation or E permutation with basic finger tricks.
Additionally, in the PLL case, you also have to figure which finger tricks suit better with which algorithm. It is better to select a few algorithms and compatible finger tricks for every situation, depending on your hand size and cube. Surfing various videos for finger tricks is a good place to start.
After having decided upon your algorithms and finger tricks, go over them again and again. Practice them so much that they are drilled into your head. Doing the last slot along with the last layer solves can help in dealing with this.
To select the right finger trick, you need to know the different types of finger tricks too. So that you can combine them with the algorithm and come up with the best fit. Flexibility in your finger tricks is quite important – the frequently cited example is the U2’ double flick finger trick with your left hand.
It is crucial to understand your lacunae and use them to your benefit. Most speedcubers are either left or right-hand biased. Depending on your hand size and how it impacts your natural grip and finger tricks, you will have a certain ambidexterity level. Max Park and Hyeon Kyo Kyoung are proficient cubers who can solve single-handedly.
In case you find that you are not as good with your right hand, then go ahead and practice more with the weaker hand. Otherwise, it can prove to be a hindrance. For those of you who have proficiency by using your right hand, you can try to solve without moving the R move at all. That will be a challenge and a good practice to get you better at it.
It’s actually quite cool to have all sorts of finger tricks in your solves, but when it comes to competition, the chances are that you’ll mess it up under pressure. If you attend WCA competitions, try and keep your finger tricks and movements pretty standard. Once you have a good grasp on your basics, do not worry, you will be able to solve the advanced tricks by the wave of a finger.
Happy Cubing!
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