Are you aware of the benefits of flossing your teeth? If not, then you should definitely start using them. Flossing helps remove food particles from between your teeth, preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
Flossing is recommended by dentists because it removes plaque and bacteria from between your teeth. This prevents cavities and gums from becoming infected.
There are several types of flossing tools, such as dental picks, string flossers, and even electric flossers. The type of flossing tool you choose depends on your budget and personal preference.
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Here are some reasons why you should use flossing:
1) It will help prevent bad breath or halitosis. Plaque that collects in between the teeth can cause a foul odor. When flossed, this matter is removed, so your mouth will smell clean.
2) It will help keep your gums healthy. Some people think they don’t need to brush their teeth because they see no signs of bleeding when they brush. However, this doesn’t mean your gums aren’t being cleaned during brushing. In fact, your gums may be more susceptible to infection if you neglect flossing.
3) It will improve your oral hygiene. Cleaning between your teeth with floss helps strengthen your gums and keeps them healthier.
4) It will also make cleaning your tongue easier. Your tongue has thousands of tiny hairs that trap debris. These hairs need to be regularly brushed out with a toothbrush. But if there is an accumulation of debris, it can become difficult to effectively reach these areas. A strand of floss can easily get into places where you might otherwise struggle to find.
5) It will keep your teeth cleaner longer. If you only brush your teeth once a day, but floss every time you eat, you’ll be able to reduce the amount of plaque that builds up over time. And if you do this for years at a time, eventually it becomes less likely that you’ll develop cavities.
6) You’ll feel better after flossing. When you floss, you’re removing food particles that would normally remain stuck inside your teeth. As a result, you’ll feel like your mouth is feeling fresher.
7) It won’t hurt as much. When you first begin flossing, you may notice that it hurts. You might even experience discomfort while eating. This is normal because your gums are tender until they heal following flossing.
8) It’s easy enough to learn how to floss properly. There’s nothing complicated about learning how to floss correctly, yet many people still struggle when trying to master the technique. Luckily, there are videos online that teach you how to floss properly, making it simple to learn the basics.
9) It’s inexpensive. You probably already have all the materials you’ll need to begin flossing – just a pair of flossing picks or a small package of floss.
10) It’s fun! Who wouldn’t want to floss? It’s a great way to spend quality time with yourself. It feels good to remove debris from between your teeth. And since it’s so easy to do, you can enjoy doing it again and again.
How To Floss Correctly
Although most people agree that flossing is important, not everyone knows how to do it properly. Here are a few tips on how to floss right:
• Always use new floss. Even though it’s possible to reuse floss by simply pulling off old strands and wrapping fresh ones around your fingers, it’s best to start each session using a new length of floss.
• Keep your hands away from your face. When you’re flossing, keep your hands close to your sides, especially when reaching toward your mouth. By keeping your hands away from your mouth, you’ll avoid accidentally touching your eyes or nose.
• Avoid getting too much floss in your mouth. Most people don’t realize that flossing should never involve swallowing more than 1/2 inch (1 cm). That means that you shouldn’t swallow any pieces of floss. Instead, you should only pull a piece of floss through your teeth.
• Be sure to clean between your teeth thoroughly. Many people think that flossing only needs to be done between their front teeth. However, you should also be concerned with flossing carefully between your back molars.
• Be gentle. Don’t force anything through your teeth. Instead, gently pull the floss through your teeth slowly.
• Use dental floss. Dental floss comes in different sizes, making it easy to choose.
Author bio:
Dr. Nabil Mockbil is an Orthodontist who received his DDS in 2001 from Umea University in Sweden, regarded as having the best dentist programme in Sweden for undergraduates. He’s now the founder of Swedish Dental Clinic – Dubai Marina.