Cyber security is an essential part of people’s lives today. Cyber threats are everywhere. The primary purpose of cyber threats is to take away personal data and cause harm in any way possible, potentially compromising your data or making it difficult to access. Cyber attacks can be made criminally and organically if you are not careful with your precautions. These are some types of cyber security threats that might commonly occur:
1.) Malware
A malware threat is any malicious software program that alters how a computer or network operates by interfering with its normal functions. That can include stealing information, destroying data, hijacking networks and devices, spreading viruses, installing spyware and adware programs, and causing other types of damage. Even if a particular malware program does not have malicious intentions, it could still cause problems if it is not removed from the computer or network.
2) Phishing/Scam
Phishing attempts to trick you out of your personal information by disguising yourself as a trustworthy entity in an email or website. They usually gain access to bank accounts, credit card numbers, confidential information, and more when successful. Scams are similar but are less sophisticated and rely more on social engineering tactics than technology. They typically take advantage of people who are unaware of how phishing works and rely on people’s greed and selfishness to exploit them. However, research indicates that conducting security awareness reinforcing and training regarding the most basic principles of cyber security in Singapore, including not clicking embedded links, being wary of pop-ups, using firewalls, and not providing personal information, can help one avoid phishing attacks.
3) Denial of Service
A denial of service (DoS) attack is a type of cyber security threat where the hacker attempts to disrupt a network or computer by overwhelming it with more requests for data. That could make the system unusable for legitimate users, forcing it to shut down or slow it down so that legitimate users cannot access it. This type of attack is not as prevalent as other threats of cyber security since most organizations have some failover that prevents them from being completely unresponsive. However, even if this happens, they still need to protect the computer systems and networks themselves through some form of automated scanning or response cycle.
4) Social Engineering
Social engineering threats are probably the second most common type of cyberattacks. Social engineering implies when someone tries to gain your trust and breaches the security of a company or person by pretending to be trustworthy. That could be targeting a victim directly or impersonating a good source (such as social networking site, phone call, or email) to gather information from you.
5) Industrial Espionage
Cyber industrial espionage is a threat where an attacker gains access to sensitive business secrets and intellectual property. That could be done by hacking into computer systems to steal data, modifying data to make it appear as though a competitor did it, and planting malware onto their systems to get their data. For instance, this type of threat could immediately affect a business and have a long-term impact by stunting its growth and competing for customers.
6) Physical Deterrence
Physical deterrence is a cyber security threat where physical damage to the equipment is done directly or indirectly. That could include someone breaking into data centers and physically destroying devices or attacking networks with malware that causes them to malfunction.
7) Data Corruption
Data corruption can be caused by natural disasters like floods, fires, extreme heat, and tornados or intentional attacks such as the use of malware, hacking attempts, or electromagnetic pulses. That can result in damaged computer servers, lost data, and corrupted backup tapes, resulting in downtime, loss of data, and potentially unsuccessful recovery procedures.
There is no denying the importance of cyber security within the business world. Without internet and computer control, many companies would cease to exist. However, there is a downside to this industry. Cybercriminals seem to be getting more intelligent and cunning by the day, making it harder for businesses to protect their networks from infiltration and attack. To combat these threats, organizations must know how hackers operate and what types of attacks they typically carry out.
One good way to do this is by equipping your company’s cyber professionals with the right skills. An example is letting them take a project management course so they can acquire the right skills to effectively manage their team in reducing cybersecurity risks within your company.