There is nothing quite like the great American road trip. This mode of travel provides a distinctive way to see the country, but those million-dollar views come with a hefty price tag. What impact do long road trips have on the body? Is there a safer way to travel?
These days, more Americans are learning that it’s possible to have the best of both worlds. You can be free to travel across the country and enjoy your vehicle’s comfort and convenience without suffering adverse effects from a long road trip.
These travel savvy people have become acquainted with the benefits of car transport services to transfer their car across long distances for vacations or relocations. These services allow you to avoid a long, uncomfortable drive. Not to mention, having your vehicle driven to your destination will save you hours, if not days, behind the wheel by flying to your destination.
Physical effects of driving fatigue
Spending too many hours behind the wheel can lead to a dangerous situation known as driving fatigue. Daydreaming, difficulty keeping your eyes on the road, and drifting in and out of your lane are all signs that it’s time to take a break and get some much-needed rest.
Not listening to these warning signs results in slow reaction time behind the wheel, a steady increase in speed as the foot and lower leg muscles relax, and tragically falling asleep behind the wheel.
Driving fatigue is extraordinarily dangerous for everyone on the road. Honest self-regulation of your fitness for driving is crucial to a safe arrival at your destination and increases your chances of avoiding an accident.
Anxiety and blood pressure risks
Driving on long road trips through unfamiliar places causes restlessness, agitation, and trouble focusing for many people. Most drivers are too aware of the anxiety and nervousness that long road trips can trigger. For many people, these feelings go far beyond simple dread. Digestive upset, including nausea and diarrhea, are expected reactions for many drivers.
The body’s response to long-distance road trips
Sitting in a cramped car seat for hours on end can have some very unpleasant consequences. Sore, aching muscles in the neck and back often result from extending time frames spent in the limited confines of a car.
Extended sitting time leads to a vascular condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) for some travelers. This condition results from weak blood vessels in the lower part of the body that allows blood to pool in these areas causing painful swelling and inflammation. This pooling also raises the risk of developing blood clots that cause pulmonary embolism or stroke if they travel to the lungs or brain.
Wrap up
Driving a vehicle is hard work, don’t underestimate your body’s fatigue. Long periods spent driving can negatively affect both the mind and body. If you decide to take a road trip, please plan and make sure to take frequent rest stops to stretch your legs and recharge.