Recently, articles have started to appear regularly on how you can safely move your business online. Marketing agencies have even launched additional support for those taking their first steps in e-commerce, wanting to establish an online presence. Still, someone who has never dealt with e-commerce may feel lost, encountering obstacles at every step. Moving a business, whether stationary or just locally, requires a lot of important decisions, significant actions and costs. How to find yourself in the world of e-commerce? How to effectively make money on the Internet? How to create a successful online shop? We suggest.
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How to choose a domain name?
To the inexperienced it may seem tempting to choose a name such as or In the long run, however, such a name may hinder communication with the customer and building brand awareness. What is more, it is worth being aware that there are many companies competing for high positions for such phrases, so positioning for branded phrases may turn out to be very difficult in this case. You should also be aware of the fact that the domain name itself does not influence the positioning process. What is important is the history of the domain and many other important issues. It is worth focusing on the fact that the domain name directly refers to the company name or is connected with it.
Company email address – is it necessary?
Undoubtedly, a company-related e-mail address is a necessity nowadays. We often already have a choice between a basic package linked to a simple email account for use by individuals and micro-entrepreneurs and an extended package for small and medium-sized companies. As time goes on, you will assess whether one email will be sufficient. It is also often useful to have “collaboration”, “marketing” or “administration” emails so that you don’t have to worry about what an email is specifically about. It’s also a good idea to assign company emails to colleagues who will coordinate specific activities and responsibilities from the outset. Then, you can ensure peace of mind, and your customers will quickly get an answer to their question.
Activity on the Internet gives many opportunities for business development. However, it is sometimes worth using the help of professionals who know e-commerce inside out. An e-commerce agency will allow you to focus on your activities, giving great results, both in search engine positions, as well as in terms of revenue. Comprehensive activities will allow you not to worry about what you do not deal with everyday anyway. Institutions such as e-commerce agencies have access to top quality software, such as shopify or vue js development, so their actions are extremely effective, and you can see the results immediately!