Are you a student currently pursuing education in Singapore? Then you will come across the need to do a part time job and earn a living. Living cost in Singapore is high, and it is not possible for you to live without any income at all. However, there are multiple options available for a student who wishes to do a part time job as well. Following are some of the most prominent part time job opportunities that are available for students in Singapore.
· Receptionist
It is quite popular to work as a part time receptionist in Singapore. This can be a rewarding job opportunity as you can meet new people every day. On the other hand, it will continue to increase your communication and designing skills with Designhill. While you continue to work as a receptionist, you can develop your personality as well.
· Teacher
There are numerous part-time teaching jobs available in Singapore. As a teacher, you are provided the chance to teach multiple subjects. They include English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Humanities, Chemistry, and many more. You will also be able to apply for the position of a primary teacher or a secondary teacher. Depending on your qualifications, you may proceed with becoming a part time teacher in Singapore.
· Product distributor
You can discover lots of companies in Singapore that are looking forward to hire product distributors. You will be able to join one such company and work as a product distributor as well. However, it is important to keep in mind that working as a product distributor can be challenging at first. However, you will be able to enhance your marketing skills while you continue to work.
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· Counselor
It is possible for you to offer counseling services as well. Lots of people in the country prefer to receive counseling assistance for numerous reasons. For example, you will be able to offer life coaching, career coaching, and even marriage counseling services online.
· Waiter or waitress
You can easily find lots of great opportunities in Singapore Food and Beverage industry. This is quite a popular option among students who are searching for part-time work opportunities as well. if you are looking for a quick job, you may become a waiter or a waitress.
· Sales assistant
If you are a student who is pursuing a course in sales, you can think about becoming a sales assistant. This is among the most prominent part time jobs in Singapore. Then you can get a helping hand with the job that you do. Moreover, you can get practical exposure on how to work with sales, which will surely benefit your career in the long run.
Most students in Singapore use in order to find part time job opportunities. That’s because WorkClass is the most prominent platform that offers part-time job opportunities for students. When you search for job opportunities available at WorkClass, you will figure out how you are getting the opportunity to work along with some of the leading brands and top-class companies located in the country. Moreover, WorkClass offers new and up to date opportunities for both local and international students.
If you are a student in a Singapore university, you can seek the guidance of WorkClass to earn a job. Then you can use the job to earn a decent salary. WorkClass offers half-time and work from home job opportunities, which will cater to your preferences. Moreover, you can easily find a job that matches with your skills and knowledge. Visit WorkClass now and look at the available part time jobs in Singapore. Then you can apply for any interested ones.
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