Top Total War Mods – Most Popular Mods for all Total War Games

Total War Mods – Every Popular Mod is part of this list which is popular and created for any game in series with Brief Description.


Introduction to Total War
Details of Mods for Total War All Games
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Introduction to Total War

There is no other game like Total War created at the same level. Its complete series which focus on reality and later on a fantasy world. They tried to cover most of the famous human history and also create a unique fantasy world for this series. You can see the link below which will take you to another page which is about Total War and all games in series.

But this article is only to focus on every single mod ever created for this series. But there is no possible way to add all those mods in one post, we have chosen popular and quality mods only. IF you think any awesome mod is not part of this long list, please write a comment or contact us using different methods provided inside post or Contact Us form.

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Read the full article on all games in original series on Best Total War Games – Most Popular Game in History of Strategy

Details of Mods for Total War All Games

Rome Total War Mods

Barbarian Invasion – The Last Emperor

Its mini-mod for large complete conversion mod Barbarian Invasion which focuses on the last days of the Western Roman Empire. This mod covers over 200 years of time and ends when Muslim conquest begins to destroy everything in their path. New maps with new regions are added, over 19 different factions to play in-game, a lot of descriptions of some roman soldiers are changed by making it more correct to the historical point of view.

Romans can now recruit Barbarian soldiers cheaper compare to their own soldiers in-game. They allow small cities to construct walls that are not possible in the original game. This feature is added because as per history, every small or large roman city gets walls to protect them from invaders.


Age of Merowings

Its small mod created for Rome: Total War – Barbarian Invasion. The main purpose is to show the evolution of the barbarian kingdom in 5th century. Many bugs and small errors are fixed compared to the original game. All factions are completely balanced as per historical facts. The barbarian campaign is now updated with many changes, players cant plays roman any more.

They try to make this mod best for barbarian kingdoms only, that’s why the only way to play this game is barbarian factions, not Romans anymore. You can see many new units are added for almost every barbarian faction.



SPQR focus on few important updates in-game. Too many new units are included in-game for every faction to make it more balanced. Cost is reduced for units which means you can see more soldiers in wars. You can understand what this mod can do to battlefields, it can increase the number of soldiers by making it more large battles.

Some other changes like warriors may die in-game compare to running away. All these features collectively make it possible to fight large bloody wars compare to the original game. Complete different installer builds for this mod which you may not be able to find for more games. It means an easy interface to install this mod similar to the original game.


The Greek Wars

A small map that includes 11 factions is created for this mod. It means you can find a lot of battles happening in very little space. New historical events are added, description for some units is also changed. Complete new factions are created with units, description as per their historical facts.

You can find too many updates for The Greek Wars mod. It means developers are trying their best to make it perfect and better with time. Some of the work on this mod is about creating fan fiction story type. You can see some of the units, factions, and a few other things which are different from original historical facts.


The Lord of the Rings

Amazing mod created for The Lord of the Rings movie series fans. They try to recreate all historical battles from that movie and make it playable for everyone in this mod. Cities and a complete map from that time are also created for this game. Large and small battles which you can see happening live on tv screens are playable for you where all control is in your hands.

Many quests are also created which are different from the original games. But in our opinion, this mod is complete for Total War with all opportunities for everyone to enjoy the lord of ring game.


Invasio Barbarorum 2

You can play this mod Invasio Barbarorum 2 which is based on complete chaos happening in that era when the roman empire is fallen. Too many hordes are attacking from all sides and making it difficult to cover any place for the roman empire. They bring their army back from everything to survive in homelands. But too many enemies are successfully attacking and destroying everything in their path.

All factions are playable in this game. A complete campaign where every faction is involved with their strength and weakness. When you can see too many battles going on everywhere, its time of chaos and hard to defend any place. This mod is considered one of the best mod created for the Rome Total War game.


Madness of Rome

The Creator of Madness of Rome claims that their mod is fixing all problems from the original game. It means that in the original game there were too many bugs, errors, and unbalanced factors involved. They add some large changes in Spain, Egypt, Thrace, Numidia, Parthia, and some minor changes in every faction.

When you visit this mod download page, you can find too many changes list for this Madness of Rome. It all about creating a more balanced mod for this game. Some units are upgraded, others are given less power compare to the original game.



Holland mod is created for Netherland. But you must know that its not a historical type of updated mod for this game. Playable factions are mostly provinces of this country and some other provinces are surrounding countries. Complete rework of maps for this mod based on Netherland map.

It’s free to play mod but you can donate money to the author on PayPal. There are some updates already available for this mod and the author is continually working to make it better. You can choose any faction in-game to fight with everyone other for the conquest of the country to become king.


The Dominion of Men

The Dominion of Men mod claims to continue from the story of Lord of Ring. It means another mod based on Lord of Ring movies. It’s all about middle earth with some new factions created. But they build something new which you can never see anywhere. Another danger to humanity, more dark forces to defeat humans are created.

Almost every Total War mod you can see on our list or create on many other sides, mostly based on wars. You can fight large battles with new units, maps, missions, and more. But when you talk about mods based on Middle earth, it clearly means some unknown forces are involved with great battles that are available to play.


Roma Surrectum

Total conversion of Rome Total War with completely new factions and legions to command. They also add one high-quality amazing map with every single detail to be shown clearly. Consider it one of the best total conversion maps which mainly focuses on just Rome and good for lovers of Rome. It can also work on both expansions created for this game.

One installer is created for users to easily install this mod without any complications. All-new factions in this game are really great for playing because you can feel like playing a completely new game in series. Other types of factions are ignored in this mod because they are only focusing on Rome factions.


Zombie Mod

Creating a zombie mod is a good idea for every game. Almost every single popular game where moving is very easy, they create some kind of zombie mod for fun. People who watch many tv series like The Walking Dead or others love to kill zombies. You can understand how much this idea become popular where every game is forced to have zombie mod to get more attention. As per the creator of this mod, there is no other mod created for this game related to zombie & almost 0 results when you search about it on Google. Its idea which convinces the creator of this mod to make a high-quality HD zombie mod for Rome Total War.

A lot of amazing work is done by the creator as they focus on creating real zombie apocalypse in old times. Instead of making a new zombie faction who can hire other zombies and look really ridiculous, they build the most powerful engine where every civilization is facing this thread and deal with it in their own ways. Almost everyone is worried about zombies and defeat them to save their cities and civilization.


Valar Morghulis

Complete fantasy map which is created on lands of Westeros similar to Game of Throne. Every faction is recreated with too many changes, new units, and really high-quality graphics. New map as per lands of Westeros where you can enjoy like playing Game of Throne like game. Everyone who loves that amazing series can also enjoy this mod because who doesn’t want to become part of Game of Throne and participate in a fantasy world.

Special instruction is given on the download page when you visit it. You may find this method a little complicated to install this mod but it’s worth it to enjoy this amazing mod. Also, a link to original mod creators is given for you to contact or ask any questions.


Barbarian Invasion – Hegemonia City States

Huge mod which focuses on Persian large army attacks and also Barbarian wars against Greeks. Persian faction will begin with large forces at the start of the game and you can use this huge army to march on Europe and defeat Romans armies and destroy their cities.

Greek empire is very large which spread all over the map and also beyond that which means there are too many native cities with a lot of colonies conquered. But the empire is always facing big threats where these states are fighting with each other. Natives and barbarians are attacking each other because their hate for each other is spreading very fast.

Units and other game models are completely new and you must know that some victory conditions are also added in this game. The player can capture most of the Romans cities to get the victory or capture some of the very important and popular cities. Some of the other conditions are also available. Overall this mod is a most perfect and complete conversion of the original game with too many naval wars and units involved.


Medieval 2 Total War Mods

Read about all-time famous Mods from Empire which is the most popular game in the series of Total War. All of these Mods are chosen on the base of most downloads, positive comments by players, high rating & some other factors involved. Read the full article on “Medieval 2 Total War MODs – Huge Collection of Perfect MODs” for the complete list.

Best Empire Total War Mods

Read about all-time famous Mods from Empire which is the most popular game in the series of Total War. All of these Mods are chosen on the base of most downloads, positive comments by players, high rating & some other factors involved. Read the full article on “20 Best Empire Total War Mods – List of Top Mods High Ranked” for the complete list.

Total War Shogun 2 Mods


DarthMod Is created for almost every game in Total War Series. They are not something like a complete update of the original game. They just focus mainly on gameplay and AI. You cant see a lot of new units, missions, maps and everything else. But they try to make this game look more realistic and improve in gameplay. AI is better now which can give you a good tough time. Too many different changes are only related to making this game look realistic.


Romance of the Three kingdoms

The romance of the three kingdoms is the most popular turn-based simulation game. Very popular and it’s a complete series of many games. This mod is created for fans of that game to enjoy Tota War in Romance of the three kingdoms mode. It’s easy for you to know what those people have done with it. You can see characters from that game series, popular factions, and also too many new heroes or units. The main focus of this mod wars on land and you may not be able to see a lot of trade or naval battle anywhere.


The Last Alliance

Lord of Ring is a very popular ad almost every game is trying to adapt it to get more followers. You can find mod created for every Total War game which is based on Lord of Ring. In this mod, The Last Alliance, many wars, units, and characters are based on that game. But instead of focusing on series, creators of this mod collect their information from a lot of books written on the same topic.


Total War Rome 2 Mods

Divide et Impera (One of Best Rome 2 Total War Mods)

Huge changes in the original game and the main focus of Divide et Impera is to make every part of the game look more realistic. In large battles, they update and add exact number of soldiers who actually fight in history. You can understand if 3000 people fight in a war, how you can add 30000 people in-game? Mod is very important to fix history reality and make this game look more real.

Formation behavior is changing, in most games of Total War or mods, you may think that soldiers are behaving like machines, not real people. This mod is the best way to improve the formation system and make it look more realistic. Another important change in this game is the speed of battle, which is now more intense than ever. Many changes are included how soldiers are fighting in every war.

Now the campaign is better, longer, and becomes more interesting than ever. Too many different new small mini-systems are introduced in-game which makes it look more realistic and better gameplay. All factions are fixed as per their historical background. You may see minor changes on every level of this game.


Cyrus The Great Campaign (One of top Level Rome Total War 2 Mods)

Crazy mod which can take you to old age time when too many different empires were fighting each other for glory. Cyrus The Great Campaign provides you with the opportunity to become part of history, watch the destruction of huge empires, and also survive and rise of new empires in history. Play as any powerful faction in this game, fight against everyone who is trying to crush your rising empire, become part of surviving empire, and try to hold enemy and fight back.


Magnar Mod

Most of the players may feel that creators are mostly focusing on m aking original game perfect. Many mods are just created to update gameplay, make it look more realistic, and add little changes. Magnar Mod is another example where you cant see many new units, campaigns, factions, and total changes in the original game. But it’s just changing in the original game a bit.


Age of Bronze

Mini mod which focuses on 2 factions Egyptians and Hittites, a famous war between them. Remember, its not a mod which is total conversion where you may see everything new, factions, units, maps, and more. But its also not a mod which is created to improve AI or gameplay. As per the information provided, it only improves version of 2 powerful factions and improves many aspects between them like popular war.



Consider this mod as a total conversion of the original game on any level. Most of the units are edited and make them look new or perform better. They also work on different factions, their features and more are changed too. The Graphics system is improved on a new level where you can consider it better than original game. Battles and AI are improved which is more challenging for you. everyone knows that in most games, AI is not much strong, create a little army, and attack on player slowly. If AI is powerful, it can give a good tough time for the player. Enjoy this mod where they update the AI system on a better level.


Vae Victis

Best mod ever created for this game. More than 50 different people work for more than 1 year and make it possible. More than 40 factions are already created and they play to make it over 100. The main purpose of this mod is to create every faction and unit look more familiar to its history. A lot of graphics are also updated to improve gameplay. Now there are more factions to play compare to the original game.

But there are few things which are better and you may never see this level of depth in any game or mod. Developers worked so hard to make it more historical than ever. Now you can see every unit, their equipment, cloths, and almost everything as per their historical background.


Total War Attila Mods

Another separate article is written for Total War Three Kingdoms Mods which you can access on “20 Best Total War Attila MODs Completely free“.

Northern Kingdoms (One of best Attila Total War Mods)

The Witcher Universe means there is a collection of games that are very popular and millions of fans love them. In this mod Northern Kingdoms, it’s important for you to know that its not some kind of campaign of a complete change in the original game. Its just custom battle and players are able to play some new factions from the Witcher Universe.


Forgotten Realms

Another mod with huge changes in the original game. Too many new factions with hundreds of units, new campaign mode, and also some new victory conditions are added. It’s always very interesting for people to get chances to play different types of victory conditions. Some of the important changes are making this a more balanced mod.


Rise of Mordor

Large mod which is focused on Lord of Ring movies. You may see too many new units from series, factions newly created as per books written on the same topic. Huge updates and minor changes in gameplay and overall to make it look more similar to Lord of Ring. On the download page, there is more information which actually answers to different questions that people can ask about this mod.


Seven Kingdoms

Special mod created for lover of the game of throne from the world of 7 kingdoms. They add many new factions, units, and much more to make this mod look more similar to Game of Throne games. Creators of this mod are trying to recreate the universe of the Seven Kingdom and add a lot of new things to make it look better. So you may see huge changes compared to original game.


Fall of the Eagles

There are 2 main goals which developers are trying to achieve in this game. First, they want to make this game look more historical as per real history by adding new units, campaign maps, and update every single unit or factions. Second, they are trying to make historical battle looks more real and create a scenario which can prove to look more historical. The duration of battles and some important changes are also part of this new mod.


Ancient Babylon

Huge mod which recreates an ancient city and presents it in a completely new way to players to Total War. They try their best to make it look more realistic and historical. ITs a battle custom map that players can play by just installing it in-game. Players can play it online and it include large area from Babylon and surroung sides.


Age of Vikings

Very important mod from history which represents the era when there were thousands of Vikings everywhere attacking Russia, Europe, and raiding every village or city coming to their path. Vikings become huge threats to know the world and it becomes very difficult for these kingdom to defend against them. Mod is created from the world of Last Kingdom and also Viking Tv series.


Total War Warhammer Mods / Total War Warhammer 2 Mods / Total War Warhammer 3

Another separate article is written for Total War Three Kingdoms Mods which you can access on “20 Best Total War Warhammer MODs – Top Mods for Best Fantasy Game“.

Thrones of Britannia Total War Saga Mods

Tribes of Britannia

Small mod with only a few changes to the original game. But you must know that these changes are also very minor by adding some new units only. You can try this mod but don’t even think about something huge is gonna come up on top.


Total War Three Kingdoms Mods

Developers created many mods for this game too but we are only able to find some mods which are very simple. These are not able to add much value for users like changing everything in-game, add new units, factions, and campaigns. Most mods are just to improve a few game bugs and more. Some of the articles which we mention below can help to read about these mods and also you can download them too.

There are 10 cool mods added on Strategy Gamer which are best for you play. But these mods are mostly about improving some quality of life to the game instead of complete modifications. Some of the mods are added on Pc Gamer which is popular about writing cool articles on games.

Another separate article is written for Total War Three Kingdoms Mods which you can access on “Total War Three Kingdoms Mods – Making Original Game More Amazing“.

Napoleon Total War Mods

Another separate article is written for mods of Napoleon Total War Game which you can access on “Napoleon Total War Mods – Most Popular Mods from Amazing RTS Game Total War“.



Top Posts on Same Topic

One of the best sites which provide quality articles about games is Strategy Gamer and one of their articles provides a small list of some best mod for series. Information provided by them is full of screenshots, some videos, and a lot more. We suggest you follow their site for getting more knowledge about Popular games.

Pc Gamer collects 10 most awesome, high quality, and well-created mods for Total War. Everything is explained well about why these mods are best to compare to over 200 different mods. For example, Napoleon: All In One mod in the list contains over 50 different small mods.

Conclusion for Top Total War Mods

As you can read above, there are too many different mods that are added for almost every game in series. We try our best to ignore all mods which are only about some changes in game-like some bug fixes. Most of the mods in series are completely different from the original games and actually provide you with something new.

We collected a list of over 150+ mods and some of them are very small. It’s like they just add 1 mission of small campaign to the game. All of those small mods should be added to one major collection for better results. Unfortunately, those small mods don’t fit in our list, we get no other choice to ignore them and move on with some high-quality mods.

It’s not our final list, because if anyone requests us to add any mod in our list, we can do that. Another method is to find mods to add in this list which you are gonna see soon in the next update. We are sure to add over 25 new mods in the next update in a few month’s time. But we already check almost every possible high-quality mod to be part of our list.

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